Greetings folks,
People who take Roy’s side of the issue often accuse me of using my lawsuits as a form of harassment. That really does’t make much sense.
Roy and his wife published a series of defamatory and transphobic articles about me with stolen photographs which are full of lies and conspiracy theories. I will never link these articles on my site but I recently transcribed my bookmarks. I have a document that I’ve called “Schedule C” which has over 80 days worth of articles and chat logs. That doesn’t even include everything, it’s an unfinished and continuously expanding document.
The question you should ask yourself is: Who is harassing who?
The point of my legal proceedings against Techrights and Tux Machines is not to harass the owners. I want to confront them and their so-called evidence in a court of law and debate the merits of my case. The goal is to clear my name. I really want to get to the bottom of this because they continue to accuse me of everything that happens to them.
Instead of hiring a lawyer though, they decided to double down and publish more defamatory content.
That’s all I really have to say about this for now. I’ll keep everyone updated when the case moves foward. The point of this website is to document my lawsuits, not to harass the respondents. If Roy didn’t have over 80 days worth of articles and chat logs, LegalBeaver wouldn’t exist.
Have a healthy day :-)