Hello Folks!

GoAccess is a great tool for web server log analysis. That’s what we use here at LegalBeaver.

goaccess access.log -o output.html --log-format=COMBINED --ignore-crawlers --anonymize-ip --geoip-database=/path/to/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb

This is an example of what I run to generate web server analytics, and it’s great because it doesn’t require the website visitor to run scripts.

Screenshot of GoAccess


It’s better for you and it is better for the user to just use the raw logs and anonymize the IPs to be GDPR compliant.

Which just emphasizes that you shouldn’t use the Cloud. If you’re using a Cloud provider for a website, you don’t get access to the raw logs, and if you do, reverse proxies make it difficult to tell where your visitors actually come from. And this can be bad for security.

You would also be limited to Google Analytics and other script based analytics solutions, which people block.

There are some other cool things you can do with GoAccess:

goaccess access.log -c

If you run it like this you get a fancy terminal interface that updates in real time.

It is possible to be both modern and lightweight.