Check this out this video.

Straight from the horses mouth. Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner announces her party will table new legislation to address online harms when Parliament returns.

The conservatives want to kill Bill C-63, the Online Harms bill, and replace it with something insane that they made up.

They are proposing a bill that is vague and would prevent websites from hosting content encouraging self harm.

She even threw the fascist dog whistle ‘common sense’ in there.

It’s the same picture

Here is the problem with this innocuous statement. It sounds good on paper, if you’re not well versed in the facts. And I do agree they should be doing more to protect politicians from anonymous death threats.

But it can be used against the transgender community because they also claim transgender science is ideology that leads to self harm.

They’re being sneaky and trying to slip this into a bill that addresses other things. They are throwing a dead cat on the table.

This is pretty much the same evil shit that was done in the United States of America with the Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA).

A great explanation of how KOSA would be used against the trans community

They won’t be able to do it, but imagine what they’ll do if they control the House of Commons.

We can’t let these fascist fucks win. Our human rights are at stake.