I just want to be crystal clear. People have been giving me a lot of weird nicknames or spreading rumors based on content written by people who are not me. I am absolutely 100% against Hamas. I am also 100% against genocide and terrorism. I am 100% in support of the ICC issuing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and I am proud of Trudeau for his commitment to enforce the warrant if that war criminal comes to Canada....
People of Canada
Dear Canadians, If you have naturally come across any articles about me on the web, please e-mail (bnlozza at gmail.com) the details. There are only a few places that are authorized to distribute my personal information. LinkedIn (only on my profile) PooranLaw Almaguin News This website Just so you know, PIPEDA protects Canadian’s personal information online. Thank you for your support..
Reprisals are the worst. The government passes laws that give you rights, and they give you government agencies to help enforce those rights. But the enemies of those rights often act recklessly and aggressively towards those who simply demand their government granted rights. Governments realized this and there are many laws that make reprisals illegal. Reprisal: a retaliatory act I’ll provide some examples. Canadian Human Rights Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. H-6) Retaliation...
PIPEDA - The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act
In 2000, the Canadian government enacted PIPEDA, a comprehensive legislation aimed at protecting individuals’ personal information in the digital age. As an essential piece of Canadian privacy law, PIPEDA sets out guidelines for private sector organizations to manage and safeguard personal information. Key Principles At its core, PIPEDA is built upon eight fundamental principles: Accountability: Organizations must designate a Chief Privacy Officer (CPO) or equivalent position responsible for ensuring compliance with PIPEDA....
Use PCBox to run legacy legal software
This one is going to go into Legal and Technology. LibreOffice Writer (which I use) is quite good at handling WordPerfect (wpd) files. But what if you actually want to run WordPerfect? And I’m not talking about the shitty new versions of WordPerfect. I’m talking about the classic Corel Office 2000. Full Screen Using a program called PCBox, YOU CAN! PCBox is a lot different from virtualization solutions. It’s actually a computer emulator....
23andme pays out $30 million dollar settlement
According to the news, 23andme has settled for $30 million dollars but does so with statement not admitting any wrongdoing. Which I agree with. I’ll tell you why. I don’t think anyone should receive a dollar from this unless you were a family member of someone who was breached. Why? In October 2023, 23andMe revealed that unauthorized access to customer profiles occurred through compromised accounts. Hackers exploited credentials stolen from other breaches to access 23andMe accounts....
CONservative Agenda
Check this out this video. Straight from the horses mouth. Conservative MP Michelle Rempel Garner announces her party will table new legislation to address online harms when Parliament returns. The conservatives want to kill Bill C-63, the Online Harms bill, and replace it with something insane that they made up. They are proposing a bill that is vague and would prevent websites from hosting content encouraging self harm. She even threw the fascist dog whistle ‘common sense’ in there....
Hello Folks! GoAccess is a great tool for web server log analysis. That’s what we use here at LegalBeaver. goaccess access.log -o output.html --log-format=COMBINED --ignore-crawlers --anonymize-ip --geoip-database=/path/to/geoip/GeoLite2-City.mmdb This is an example of what I run to generate web server analytics, and it’s great because it doesn’t require the website visitor to run scripts. Why? It’s better for you and it is better for the user to just use the raw logs and anonymize the IPs to be GDPR compliant....
Effects Doctrine
A doctrine, developed mainly by the American courts in anti-trust cases, asserting jurisdiction over acts of foreign nationals committed abroad but having effects in the American marketplace; an extended form of the objective territorial principle. Source: Irwin Law The effects doctrine is a principle enabling a forum to assert jurisdiction over parties not present within a state but whose conduct outside the state’s territory affects the local market. The effects doctrine is frequently mistakenly equated with extraterritoriality....
Transgender Rights - OHRC Policy
The Ontario Human Rights Commission has put together a excellent policy guidebook a number of years ago. I wanted to share some passages from it which I feel will help illustrate most of what I discuss on this site on the topic of transgender human rights law. First, it provides some definitions: Discrimination happens when a person experiences negative treatment or impact, intentional or not, because of their gender identity or gender expression....