One of my legal opponents, Roy Schestowitz, loves to use words in which he does not understand the meaning. I mentioned it before in my previous article.

Someone in his IRC channel asked him about my lawsuit, asking him if it was true. Roy claimed there was no lawsuit and that it was “inadmissible.”

Let’s look at the dictionary

Inadmissible: adjective

Definition: not admissible

Example: The evidence was inadmissible in court.

My lawsuit against Roy is not admissible in court? That doesn’t even make sense. The human rights case against him IS the court proceeding.

When something is “inadmissible” we are talking about whether or not evidence can be brought in. The Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario is an Administrative Tribunal, I can bring his websites in as evidence.

He should stick with words he does understand.

Other words he doesn’t understand

Dox: verb

Definition: t o publicly identify or publish private information about (someone) especially as a form of punishment or revenge

Example: The company has faced criticism recently for providing security services to Kiwi Farms, whose users frequently dox and harass transgender people and where a campaign that specifically targeted a popular trans Twitch streamer pushed her into hiding.

When Roy chose to publish articles linking my screen name, current name and deadname, it was punishment and revenge.

Deadname: noun

Definition: the name that a transgender person was given at birth and no longer uses upon transitioning

Example: Some districts with conservative-majority school boards are following suit by trying to get books removed from library shelves and insisting educators call students by their deadnames.

Roy constantly refers to me by my deadname in order to erase my identity during his transphobic attacks. He also dismisses the word deadname using examples of non-trans people changing their names. He also deadnames Chelsea Manning and has weak justification for doing so because everyone knows her by her current name.

Vaporware: noun

Definition: a computer-related product that has been widely advertised but has not and may never become available

Example: Put another way, most (if not all) of the presentation was based on vaporware rather than hardware.

I’m not a fan of WIndows, but if you say Windows 12 is vaporware, that’s just false. There will be another version of Windows after Windows 11, maybe they call it something else but to say a new release of Windows won’t ever exist is kind of ridiculous.

I may think of other words Roy uses incorrectly at a future date. Memes are fun, aren’t they?