Transgender Rights - OHRC Policy

The Ontario Human Rights Commission has put together a excellent policy guidebook a number of years ago. I wanted to share some passages from it which I feel will help illustrate most of what I discuss on this site on the topic of transgender human rights law. First, it provides some definitions: Discrimination happens when a person experiences negative treatment or impact, intentional or not, because of their gender identity or gender expression....

June 25, 2024 · 5 min

The many lawsuits against Techrights (Updated)

It seems that Techrights (and Roy Schestowitz) are facing yet another lawsuit. Roy doesn’t name names but the content that he spews seems to indicate that Matthew Garrett is involved. There are links to stuff that is clearly about him, it’s pretty obvious. Garrett likely has about three years worth of stuff to sue Roy over too, if not more. The most ludicrous were the posts from summer 2023 when Roy was saying that Matt was a drug addict....

May 28, 2024 · 4 min

The Legal Battle against Techrights and Tux Machines continues.

One May 10, 2024 and May 11, 2024, I received notices from the HRTO indicating that the respondents Techrights (C/O Roy Schestowitz) and Tux Machines (C/O Rianne Schestowitz) have a new deadline for a second chance at filing their Form 2. The legal proceedings are about a campaign of defamation and online group stalking motivated by transphobia. The ringleader, Roy Schestowitz, manages a team of people (including his wife) to do it and they earn an income on controversial online posts driving traffic to their websites....

May 11, 2024 · 2 min

Legal Jurisdiction and the Internet

One might be thinking that they are immune to the laws of another country online but that is not always the case. If you break the law in another country online, like Gary McKinnon, who hacked numerous US Government systems to look for evidence of UFO cover-ups, you might have to deal with extradition. In Gary’s case, the US attempts to get him extradited failed. Julian Assange is also dealing with a similar set of circumstances for leaking government documents....

April 25, 2024 · 3 min

Britney Lozza v. Techrights: What Roy doesn't want you to see

I don’t plan to do this every Monday, but because Roy Schestowitz is now using blurred screenshots for his readers, I had to respond. Here is the screenshot in question. What is so secret about this? Absolutely nothing. We wrote some articles about this already. Not only is this uncensored, but you’ll see this actually refutes his lies from last week. I clearly laid out the fact that Roy is in the UK while making an argument that the Tribunal has jurisdiction....

April 8, 2024 · 1 min

Britney Lozza v. Techrights: Update

Previously I mentioned that I filed a case with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (“HRTO”) against Techrights, which is run by Roy Schestowitz. He had until March 11, 2024 to file a Form 2 Response. That time limit has been reached. What happens next depends on how Roy has handled this lawsuit. In one situation, he ignored it and will be deemed to have accepted the allegations. The case will go on without any further input from him....

March 20, 2024 · 4 min

International Women's Day #InvestInWomen

In a world facing multiple crises that are putting immense pressure on communities, achieving gender equality is more vital than ever. Ensuring women’s and girls’ rights across all aspects of life is the only way to secure prosperous and just economies, and a healthy planet for future generations. One of the key challenges in achieving gender equality by 2030 is an alarming lack of financing with a staggering USD 360 billion annual deficit in spending on gender-equality measures....

March 8, 2024 · 2 min

Britney Lozza v. Tux Machines: Deadline Reached

On March 2, 2024, a deadline was reached, one which was with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO). Rianne Schestowitz had until then to file a Form 2 - Response. Back in November 2023, I filed a human rights lawsuit in Ontario against Tux Machines, run by Rianne Schestowitz. I don’t yet know if she actually filed a response because it will take time for the HRTO to process it if they received it, but her husband constantly says this is sexual harassment and a fake lawsuit....

March 3, 2024 · 2 min

[Memes] Words and their definitions

One of my legal opponents, Roy Schestowitz, loves to use words in which he does not understand the meaning. I mentioned it before in my previous article. Someone in his IRC channel asked him about my lawsuit, asking him if it was true. Roy claimed there was no lawsuit and that it was “inadmissible.” Let’s look at the dictionary Inadmissible: adjective Definition: not admissible Example: The evidence was inadmissible in court....

February 10, 2024 · 2 min

Techrights Faces Legal Consequences for Roy Schestowitz's Transphobic Content

Mr. Roy Schestowitz is the ringleader in a hate campaign involving transgender and disability discrimination on his website Techrights and his wife’s Tux Machines site. This involved doxxing, defamation and group stalking that made me feel unsafe and discriminated against. The bald faced lies he published are designed to spread hate and transphobia towards me and other transgender individuals by defaming me and making fabrications to destroy my reputation online. He is engaging in pure DARVO, pretending to be a victim when he is the perpetrator....

February 6, 2024 · 6 min